Quick-start guide

The PSHE Association Go to https://pshe-association.org.uk/guidance (opens new window) can help you understand new statutory RSE, Relationships Education and Health Education requirements with practical advice on key steps to successfully implementing the statutory changes:

Events and training

Find CPD and Training Events Go to https://pshe-association.org.uk/training-and-events?type=cpd (opens new window).


DfE update on statutory RSHE expectations Go to https://pshe-association.org.uk/news/dfe-update-statutory-rshe-expectations (opens new window) of schools to implement statutory RSHE.

Planning RSHE

Roadmap to statutory RSE Go to http://www.pshe-association.org.uk/curriculum-and-resources/resources/roadmap-statutory-rse (opens new window), quick start guide.

RSHE Ready

RSHE Ready podcasts Go to https://pshe-association.org.uk/news/three-steps-rshe-success-guidance-and-new-rshe (opens new window) exploring different aspects of RSHE implementation, with guidance and tips from voices from across the sector to help you plan for RSHE success.

Home learning

Safe home learning checklist  Go to https://pshe-association.org.uk/news/safe-home-learning-checklist-new-family-life-ks4 (opens new window) for choosing safe PSHE education or RSHE home learning resources.

Parent and carers and RSHE

Relationships Education: supporting parental engagement Go to https://pshe-association.org.uk/news/new-relationships-education-and-rse-guides (opens new window) for primary schools about how to positively communicate with parents about statutory Relationships Education.

Guidance for governing bodies

PSHE guidance for governing boards Go to http://www.nga.org.uk/getmedia/324ea783-63cf-4b03-86d8-b9171ae90982/nga-pshe-governors-guide-20210408.pdf (opens new window) to safeguard pupils and support their mental and physical health.