Planning RSHE

Roadmap to statutory RSE: Go to (opens new window) this poster-style document sets out 10 steps to providing high quality Relationships and Sex Education as an identifiable part of PSHE education. The poster includes hyperlinked buttons making it easy to navigate resources from both the PSHE Association and Sex Education Forum that will support school leaders in preparing for statutory RSE. The roadmap was co-produced by the PSHE Association and Sex Education Forum and is supported by five education unions.

The Sex Education Forum (2020) has published a blog about the new DfE RSHE training modules, including how they can support delivery of the statutory guidance:

  1. Resources Go to (opens new window) 
  2. Plan your RSHE Go to (opens new window)
  3. RSE Definitions guide Go to (opens new window) (£5.99 or free to members) 
  4. 12 principles Go to (opens new window) 
  5. Curriculum design tool Go to (opens new window) 
  6. Confidentiality Go to (opens new window): young people's sexual health and wellbeing in secondary school
  7. RSE Audit tool  Go to (opens new window)

Home learning

Checklist for choosing safe PSHE education Go to (opens new window).

Parents or carers and RSHE

Parental engagement questions about RSE Go to (opens new window) This paper refers to SRE as opposed to RSE, but still raises useful points and evidence.

Guidance for Governing Bodies

PSHE Guidance for Governing Boards Go to (opens new window) from the National Governance Association (NGA) and the PSHE Association.