The different types of primary schools in Bristol.

For all types of school you apply to your home council for a school place. Some schools need supplementary information forms. 

Academies and Free schools 

These schools are independent from the local council and are funded directly by Central Government. 

The Board of Trustees is the admission authority and is responsible for determining the admission arrangements. These may be different from those used by the council.

The schools are part of the co-ordinated admission arrangements within the area of their home council. You apply to your local council for a place at these schools.

Community schools

These schools are maintained fully by the local council.

The council is the admission authority and it's responsible for determining the admission arrangements and for allocating school places.

The local council is the admission authority and it is responsible for determining the admission arrangements and for allocating school places.

Voluntary Controlled Schools

Also known as controlled schools, management is shared between the local council and the Church of England.

The local council is the admission authority and it is responsible for determining the admission arrangements and for allocating school places.

Voluntary Aided Schools

Also known as aided schools, these schools are either Church of England or Catholic, and responsibility for management is shared between the local council and the church but with the church playing a greater role.

The governing body is the admission authority and it is responsible for determining the admission arrangements. These will be different from those used by the local council. The governors are also responsible for allocating school places.

Trust Schools and Foundation Schools

These are state funded schools supported by a charitable trust. The trust is made up of the school partners, working together for the benefit of the school.

The school's governing body is responsible for setting their own admission arrangements and allocating places.

Infant Schools

Infant schools cover the Reception to Year 2 age groups. Some also take younger children into designated nursery classes. Children from these schools normally transfer to the paired junior school, but may transfer to another junior school or the junior department of a primary school.

Junior schools

Junior schools cover the Year 3 to Year 6 age groups.

Primary schools

Primary schools cover the Reception to Year 6 age groups. Some also take younger children into designated nursery classes. ‘Primary' is also used to describe infant, junior and primary schools.