If you receive certain benefits your childcare provider can apply for funding to support your child's learning and development.

Disability Access Fund

Providers can get £828 per year to support children with disabilities or special needs.

Children are eligible for the Disability Access Fund (DAF) if:

  • they get Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • they access free early education

DAF can only be paid to one provider. If your child uses more than one you will need to choose who gets the funding. It cannot be transferred.

You'll need to complete a parental declaration form so your provider can apply on your behalf.

Children do not have to take up the full 570 hours of early education to get DAF. It is up to the childcare provider to decide how they spend the funding, but it cannot be used to pay for additional hours. Providers can get support, advice and guidance from the Early Years Portage and Inclusion Team.

Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) gives providers up to £353.4 a year to buy extra resources and equipment, provide a range of play and learning activities, and prepare them for starting school.

It is only paid for universal free hours, not extended free hours, and you must meet certain eligibility criteria to claim it.

You will need to inform your provider by using their parental declaration form and providers will apply on your child's behalf.

You can find out more on GOV.UK.

Special Education Needs (SEN) Inclusion Funding

Special Education Needs Inclusion Funding helps providers include children with Special Education Needs (SEN) or disabilities in all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Providers can apply online.

Contact information

Family Information Service (BEC)

Southmead Children’s Centre
Doncaster Road
Bristol, BS10 5PW

Email: askcyps@bristol.gov.uk
Phone: 0117 357 4192