May Park Primary School


Essential Award

About the school's work

Essential Award: 5 December 2023 to 5 December 2026

Congratulations to May Park Primary School on Achieving the Essential Award!

May Park Primary School excelled in every aspect of the award’s requirements.

The school uses a variety of methods to understand and address the health and wellbeing needs of both students and staff. Examples include annual student surveys, frequent meetings with Value Ambassadors, weekly pastoral meetings, regular parent meetings, using feeling box data, and incorporating wellbeing into staff, SEND, and attendance discussions.

May Park Primary School has built links within the wider community to further the mental health and wellbeing of pupils, working alongside UWE with student music therapists on placements, play therapist undertaking training through school and a counselling student.

The school have also worked closely with the Bristol Active Travel team to raise awareness about the importance of reducing pollution and with Bristol Eating Better team to improve their school meal provision.

Well done May Park Primary School, keep up the good work!