Students on College Green

We’re Bristol City Council, a vibrant local authority responsible for providing services to the 450,000-strong population of Bristol.

We provide hundreds of day-to-day services, from being a landlord, providing social care and running our museums and parks, supporting people who live and work in Bristol, and people who visit the city too.

Bristol is a successful city with much to be proud of but, like all cities, we have our challenges. The city’s success doesn’t reach everyone living here and this brings some difficult issues.

We’re ambitious

Through the One City Plan Go to (opens new window), we are working with partners towards an ambitious shared vision for 2050 of being a fairer, healthier and safer Bristol, a city of hope and aspiration that includes everyone in the city’s success.

We’re looking for innovative and talented individuals who can help us achieve this vision and the promises we’ve made to the people of Bristol in our pdf Corporate Strategy (9.02 MB)   and pdf Equality and Inclusion Strategy (1.33 MB) . We want people who share our values and commitment to serve the city, its communities and citizens.

Change that matters

It’s a great time to join us: we’re changing how we deliver our services, ensuring the council is one that people are proud of and which delivers its priorities to high standards.

We need dynamic people from a diverse range of backgrounds who are keen to work in a fast-paced environment to help empower people  to live successful and independent lives as part of their community.

We’re looking for people as vibrant, as inspiring and as unique as the city of Bristol itself.