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The Business Innovation teams support change by working to enable the wider Housing and Landlord Services to deliver better outcomes to our residents, through the provision of data, intelligence and specialist skills.

The teams consist of five areas:

  • Policy and Practice, where officers lead on developing strategies, practices and policies for the service, in line with national and local priorities and objectives. 
  • Business Systems, where Analysts work alongside the individual service teams, to provide expert advice and ensure that the systems are meeting their requirements. They investigate system issues, monitor performance and plan and coordinate system upgrades.
  • Tenant Engagement, where Tenant Participation Project Officers and Engagement Support Officers, support resident involvement with Bristol City Council. This includes a range of activities to engage and involve council tenants with the development and continuous improvement of the Housing Service and of the wider community.
  • Training, where Training Officers provide training and support on council housing policy, procedure and business systems, and support learning and development within Housing and Landlord Services.