Find a Bristol allotment

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Perretts Park Allotments

Number of plots: 112
Number on waiting list: 447

Plummers Hill Allotments

Number of plots: 42
Number on waiting list: 69

Redcatch E Allotments

Number of plots: 24
Number on waiting list: 90

Redland Green Allotments

Number of plots: 111
Number on waiting list: 440

Rock Allotments

Number of plots: 64
Number on waiting list: 67

Royate Hill Allotments

Number of plots: 76
Number on waiting list: 241

Salisbury Avenue Allotments

Bristol City Council either does not administer this site or does not control the plot letting process. Please click on the site name for more information and to apply online.

Sea Mills Signal Station Allotments

Number of plots: 52
Number on waiting list: 81

Sir Johns Lane Allotments

Number of plots: 77
Number on waiting list: 85

Snowdon Road Allotments

Number of plots: 35
Number on waiting list: 63