Current, past and future revenue budget and capital programme.
Budget consultation
We ran a consultation to gather Bristol residents' views on council tax and other proposals to help balance the council's budget.
Budget documents for 2024/25
2024-2025 budget: Agenda and minutes (ModernGov)
Budget documents for 2023/24
2023-2024 budget: Agenda and minutes (ModernGov)
Budget documents for 2022/23
2022-2023 budget: Agenda and minutes (ModernGov)
Budget documents for 2021/22
2021-2022 budget: Agenda and minutes (ModernGov)
Note: go to section 99 on the ModernGov page.
Budget documents for 2020/21
- Budget report, 2020/21 item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 1: Budgets by directorate, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 2: Capital programme 2021-2025, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 3: Corporate risk report Q3, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 4: Treasury management strategy, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 5: Flexible use of capital receipts strategy, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 6: Budget consultation report, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 7: Relevance check: Council budget 2020-21, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 8: Statutory calculations in respect of council tax, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Alternative budget amendments summary, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Liberal Democrat revenue budget amendment, item 42 Go to (opens new window)6
- Liberal Democrat capital budget amendment, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Green revenue budget amendment, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Green capital budget amendment, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Conservative revenue budget amendment, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Conservative capital budget amendment, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Labour revenue budget amendment, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Cover Report: OSMB report on budget report to FC, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Budget scrutiny report, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
- Appendix 1: Officer responses to questions from the Finance Task and Finish Grp, item 426 Go to (opens new window)
Medium term financial plan 2017/18 to 2021/22 and capital strategy
The medium term financial plan and capital strategy are key financial planning documents. They form part of our policy and budget framework, as set out in our constitution.
They give a reference point for executive decision making and make sure we can balance our financial resources and delivery of the priorities in our corporate strategy.
- Capital strategy
- Appendix: Medium term financial plan December 2018 update
- Appendix: resourcing principles
Budget documents
Before the start of each financial year, we need to set a budget for our day-to-day expenditure. This is called the Revenue Budget and is the amount of money we'll need to provide our services during the year, taking into account grants we receive from the Government. Examples include staff salaries, building maintenance and the costs of running council vehicles.
It's a legal requirement for us to set a balanced budget i.e. expenditure can't be more than our income.
Capital expenditure is usually spending of a 'one-off' nature and results in the construction or improvement of an asset such as a building or car park.
These are the approved revenue and capital budgets and information relating to the council's medium term spending plans.
Budget documents for 2019/20
- Budget Report, 2019/20 item 320
- Appendix 1: Budget by directorate, item 320
- Appendix 2: Capital programme, item 320
- Appendix 3: Budget risk register report, item 320
- Appendix 4: Treasury management strategy, item 320
- Appendix 5: Flexible use of capital receipts strategy, item 320
- Appendix 6: Consultation report, item 320
- Appendix 7: Relevance check, council budget 2019/20, item 320
- Appendix 8: Statutory calculations in respect of council tax, item 320
- Appendix 9A: OSMB report to cabinet, item 320
- Appendix 9B: RSC report to cabinet, item 320
- Appendix 9C: MTFP and budget scrutiny T group, item 320