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Information on our service groups and how to join them.

About service user groups

Service User Groups are groups where tenants and leaseholders can meet and discuss issues about the management and delivery of our landlord services with the Service Managers.

The groups are run by the service teams.

What service groups are there

  • Estate Services Service User Group
  • Repairs and Maintenance Service User Group

Purpose of service user groups

  • To look at issues relating to the way specific housing services are delivered.
  • To agree how tenants and leaseholders will be consulted and involved where changes to the service are proposed.
  • To commission reviews, mystery shopping exercises, focus groups and other consultation initiatives where new policies are being considered.
  • To monitor service trends, performance information and to work with staff to identify solutions to any issues arising.

Our performance: council housing.

Notes of meetings

Contact Tenant Participation if you need notes and action points from any of the Service User Groups.

Tenancy Services User Group

Meets bi-monthly. Managed by the Tenancy Services Management Team. 

Next meeting dates:

Repairs and Maintenance Service User Group

Meets bi-monthly on the last Thursday of each month. Managed by Craig Cook, Head of Housing Repairs and Planned Maintenance.

Next meeting dates:

Join a service user group

To join a service user group contact the Tenant Participation Team.

Service user groups terms of reference

You can read our pdf service user groups terms of reference (154 KB)

Previous service user group minutes

Download the minutes from previous service user group meetings: