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Our new home care plans and tender opportunities

Home care is currently brokered from the Bristol City Council Homecare Provider Open Framework. We have a number of framework providers that provide home care services in Bristol. This framework has been running since 2019 and will end in July 2024. The framework is closed to new tender submissions.

We're in the process of reviewing the home care framework services because we aim to recommission this and other frameworks we run, into one Single Adult Social Care Framework.

The current framework will remain operational for existing framework providers until the end of the contracted period: July 2024.

Implementation of the new Single Adult Social Care Framework and transitional arrangements for existing Home Care Framework Providers will be developed and communicated closer to the launch date. 

Future commissioning model

We're working on our future commissioning model for home care provision.

The model will consider:

  • the theme of health and social care integration
  • outcomes based commissioning
  • use of technology, including software relating to round optimisation

We're also exploring new ways of working with providers on existing contracts.

More information about the future commissioning model will be discussed through further planned engagement and items at the Main Provider Forum.