Rent and service charges are calculated according to the type of home you live in and the services you receive.

We review rent and service charges every year and we will give you 28 days' notice of any changes to your rent and service charges.

How we set your rent

The rent you pay is set according to a national formula and is calculated, based on the number of bedrooms in your home and the valuation of your property (as at 1999 values). 

Rent increase for 2024/25

Your rent increase is 7.7%.

This rent increase is based on the Consumer Price Index figure, as of September the previous year, plus 1%. (CPI+1).

The CPI is published by the Office for National Statistics and measures the average change from month to month in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers in the UK giving an understanding of what things cost at a point in time.

For 2024/25 the government did not put a cap on the increase of rent.

Your rent increase starts from Monday 1 April 2024.

Service charges

You may have to pay service charges if you have communal facilities or some specific services.

Some charges are based on the size of your property or level of service that you receive.

If you would like more information on service charges contact using the online rents enquiry form.

Service charges increase 2024/25

CPI in September 2023 was 6.7%, so the service charges will go up by 7.7% in total.

Your service charge increase starts on Monday 1 April 2024. The same time as the changes to rent.

Personal heating and hot water

If you pay a charge for personal hot water and heating this will increase by 7.7%.

This will allow you to make increased payments towards these costs over the coming months instead of receiving a large invoice next year.

We have seen a substantial increase in energy prices which has been reflected in your charges.

Housing Benefit

If you get Housing Benefit your weekly rent will include the increases automatically. You do not need to contact us.

However, if your income or circumstances have changed then you will need to let us know:

Universal Credit

If you receive Universal Credit, you will receive a notification on your online journal providing your new rent figure.

You need to confirm this in your journal otherwise there will be a shortfall in your payment.

For more information, sign in to you Universal Credit account or call 0800 328 5644.

Direct Debit

If you pay by Direct Debit, we will change your Direct Debit and you will be notified of any changes in line with the Direct Debit guarantee.

Standing Order

If you pay by standing order, you will need to change your Standing Order with your bank to cover the new rent and service charges if they are applicable.

If you're struggling to pay your bills

If you're having problems paying your rent call us on 0117 922 2200 and we'll do all we can to help.

Our phone lines are open 8:30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Except Wednesday, when the phone lines close between midday and 1:30pm.

If you're in rent arrears, we can help and advise you and put you in touch with other organisations that can offer specialist help and support if needed.

To find out more about support available to you visit our cost of living support page.

You can also get advice and guidance around budgeting and managing debts from:

Citizens Advice Bureau

Phone: 0808 278 7957
Textphone: 0800 144 8884

National Debtline

Free independent advice for people in financial difficulties.

Phone: 0808 808 4000

Age UK Advice Line

Phone: 0800 055 6112

North Bristol Advice Service

Phone: 0117 951 5751, Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm.

Talking Money

Phone: 0800 121 4511

Welfare Rights and Money Advice Service

Website: Welfare Rights and Money Advice Service
Phone: 0117 352 1888, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9am to 1pm.