What a bus gate is, where they are, and how to make sure you don't get a fine for using them by mistake.

What a bus gate is

A bus gate is a short section of road which only buses and authorised vehicles can use.All Bristol's bus gates are in use 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

CCTV cameras operate to make sure drivers obey bus gate restrictions.

How a bus lane is different from a bus gate

A bus lane is marked by a solid thick white line and the words ‘bus lane' marked periodically on the road.

Only buses and authorised vehicles can use a bus lane.

What bus gate warning signs look like

bus gate

Bus gates have the words ‘bus gate' marked on the road at the entrance to the bus gate. Some bus gates also have a section of red road surface.

Only buses and authorised vehicles can use a bus gate.

Who can drive through bus gates

These road users can travel through bus gates:

  • buses
  • emergency vehicles
  • bicycles

Bus gate locations and exemptions

There are exemptions with some bus gates allowing motorcycles, private hire vehicles or taxis, HGVs and other vehicles to travel through.

Bus gate locations and vehicle exemptions
Broadmead and Union Street junction Yes Yes No
Bath Road and Wells Road (Three Lamps) junction Yes Yes No
Bath Road and Park & Ride junction inbound Yes Yes No
Romney Avenue inbound No No No
Romney Avenue outbound No No No
Colston Street (bus lane 3) Yes Yes No
Stoke Lane Metrobus (bus lane 1) inbound No No No
Broad Quay (bus lane 1A) No No No
Colston Avenue (bus lane 2C) No No No
Baldwin Street junction, Marsh Street Yes Yes No
Baldwin Street junction, High Street (bus lane 4) Yes Yes Yes
High Street and Bristol Bridge Yes Yes No
Victoria Street and Bristol Bridge (bus lane 5) Yes Yes Yes
Union Street junction, The Haymarket Yes Yes No
Baldwin Street junction, Broad Quay (bus lane 3) Yes Yes No
Cumberland Road Yes Yes No

Planned bus gates

We'll be installing three 24-hour bus gates as part of the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood trial scheme. The bus gates will be on:

  • Avonvale Road
  • Marsh Lane
  • Pilemash

See  East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood bus gates for information about the bus gates and exemptions.


You could be fined if you do not obey the signs at bus gates.

Find out more and pay your fine