Why pupils need to learn keyboard shortcuts, how to learn keyboard shortcuts.

Why pupils need to learn keyboard shortcuts

Pupils who are blind or have low vision need to acquire a range of technology skills.

Pupils need to learn keyboard shortcuts because:

  • using keyboard shortcuts is quicker than moving your hand to the mouse
  • blind and partially sighted users cannot use mouse to point at objects on the screen
  • keyboard shortcuts help pupils become more efficient and independent on the computer
  • users with some disabilities can only use the keyboard
  • using the keyboard instead of the mouse can prevent or alleviate visual fatigue or repetitive stress injury

How to learn keyboard shortcuts 

Most software has shortcuts lists online, often in print friendly formats. In some software, shortcuts appear next to commands menus. Some software allows setting custom shortcuts in Options, Preferences or Settings.

Alt + underlined letter selects items in a menu.

Hold down Alt in Word to see shortcuts, you can let go of Alt once letters appear.

Read about the most popular keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office

Every time a task is performed more than once, stop to see if there’s a shortcut for it. Write down the most important shortcuts on sticky notes or use cue cards.

It is very important to: 

  • show children and young people how to use keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Office or when browsing the web 
  • teach children and young people about file management so they can use assistive technology correctly and efficiently

You can pdf use our useful shortcuts checklist (87 KB) .

Contact us
Sensory Support Service
Elmfield House
Greystoke Avenue
BS10 6AY

Phone: 0117 903 8442
Text: 07407 814 763
Email: sensorysupportservice@bristol.gov.uk